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INSHAPE is an internal internship that is offered at IUPUI that allows us, as students, to apply the knowledge we have learned in the previous years to a real client. Through this opportunity I had an amazing client whom I interviewed, learned her goals and created a workout program for her. This opportunity pushed me outside of my comfort zone, allowed me to be creative when it came to workouts and taught me more about myself as a trainer. INSHAPE was a priceless opportunity for growth and development in my professional life.

Impacts and Involvement: Welcome


For summer 2021 I obtained an internship at Guerin Catholic High School. I will be working along side Jamie Waymouth who is in charge of their athletic strength and conditioning program. I will be assisting him in the weight room with specific sports teams. I will be leading thirty minute flexibility sessions for the athletes and running speed and agility sessions for their volleyball team.

Impacts and Involvement: About


The ability fitness clinic is a course that I took at IUPUI that gives us as students a client who has a disability. I developed a workout prescription for my client and as his trainer put him through the workouts each week. This experience challenged me in many ways. It taught me how to be adaptive, patient, challenged my academic knowledge and creativity.

Impacts and Involvement: About


The Bepko Learning Center is a program at IUPUI that's mission is to help enhance and aid in providing IUPUI students academic and non-academic help through peers. I am a Physiology Academic Mentor. I help my students learn the course material through planned sessions that have collaborative learning techniques and the use of metacognition. This job has been one of my most cherished experiences. It has taught me how to communicate, be adaptive, given me confidence, and a passion for teaching.

Impacts and Involvement: About
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